I am a senior at Colorado State University, set to graduate in
December, a double History and Journalism major and totally overwhelmd
by readings for every class. The good news is that there is always the
option to step away from thick history texts and jump into more
lighthearted fair. The books I have found over the last three years have
been all over in their content and subject matter, but they all have
helped me get through the stress that is being in University.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith

Totally not what you would expect a history buff to read, but as my
current fiction this book rocks! It is well written, with beyond the
whole vampire thing, few historical mess-ups. As long as you take it for
fun, love a narration with flourishing characters, and need something
different to enjoy, this is a book for you!
Bossypants by Tina Fey

I did theater in high school so this had a natural draw for me, along with the whole
30 Rock thing oh and
Saturday Night Live.
Tina Fey is a hoot and a half, the whole book left you laughing from
page to page, maybe I related to the stories more than the average
23-year-old (I tend to be more socially awkward than most), but it is
not to be missed and will take the edge off of that D you got on that
paper you bled your heart into.
The Signature of All Things, by Elizabeth Gilbert

THIS fueled my love of history fires, though it is a fiction it is so
well researched, written, pieced together and BEAUTIFUL that it
deserves a place on this list. Read it, just read it, it helps with the
whole escapism thing along with being very relaxing as you pretend you
get to be in these places with the leading lady.
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

If you are really overwhelmed this is a great read to calm your soul
and think at the same time. The book is short and mobile, and perfect
for late night stresses or your bus ride, or lunch break between
Of course there are many other beauties out there, and poetry should
not be overlooked, I delve into my Rumi, Robert Burns, and Emily
Dickinson volumes quite frequently.
What are the books that helped you get through college?
-Rebecca Robinson