Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another book review!

I just read (I know, I am on a good streak!) another excellent book. It's full of interesting points and ideas and it's a bit controversial-which is why I picked it up of course. The book is called Marry Him; The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough by Lori Gottlieb.

I first heard of this book because my boyfriend sent me a review on it and it looked super intriguing! The premise of the book is that most women are too picky. See? It's controversial already!!! Her point though is that she knows a number of single women in their 30's and 40's that want a family and marriage but are breaking up with wonderful and seemingly perfect men for ridiculous reasons. And she's one of the women doing this. Her book follows her through meetings with match makers to talk about this problem (of women not finding their perfect mates) and to see if she can work on her own dating dilemmas. Lori also meets with a dating coach, goes through speed dating events, online dating, and talks with Rabbis and counselors. By the end the book can be boiled down to the point of: don't look for Mr. Perfect (at the beginning of the relationship) because you are not Mrs. Perfect. And being good enough can truly be Good Enough. It can even turn into Perfect.

I liked reading this book and highly recommend it to any woman. (I also recommend He's Just Not That Into You which is a completely different issue!) I think that Lori has some excellent points and while it may not be the answer or solution for everyone it's good to understand them.
It's a great way to re-evaluate how you view relationships, how your girlfriends view relationships and even in many ways how to change that a little bit!

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